Monday, May 10, 2021

Five easy ways to shop more sustainably

Sustainable fashion is in my blood now, but it hasn't always been. I've shopped from Supré. I've ducked into Kmart for a quick essential. I've been lured into Zara for a last-minute glitzy weekend number. I've even rummaged through the sale racks at H&M and enjoyed it.

I've bought fast fashion in the past. No one is perfect. But when I started to learn about the impacts of fast fashion, modern slave labour, and the environmental devastation that throwaway clothes are responsible for - I put myself on a fast fashion diet. As I always say, 'Once you know, you can't un-know', and when I went down my research rabbit hole, it was way too deep to come back from. At the bottom of that research hole, I decided to be more conscious, to have a positive impact, and to make better choices, but it's been a constant journey - and not always an easy one.

If you're new to the ethical and sustainable fashion conversation, I want to empower you to know that you can make a difference. I also want to remind you that we all start somewhere, and it's never too late to change your wardrobe habits. It doesn't matter if you've only just heard the term 'sustainable fashion' for the first time; you're heading in the right direction just by reading this post and becoming more aware.

Understanding sustainable fashion can be overwhelming; I get it. Sometimes you don't know where to start or what brand to believe, and when every second research project touts a different fabric as the newest and most sustainable, it's hard knowing what's sustainable and what isn't.

So, I wanted to share my top five tips to help make sustainable shopping a little less complicated. They're the pillars I use as a conscious consumer, and they're easy to remember too...


Submitted May 10, 2021 at 05:12AM by thefashionadvocate

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