Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Recommend me brands!

Hi all! I got really into sustainable fashion a few years back and used to know a ton of different brands. However, I basically took the last year and a half off of shopping. Because of COVID, there wasn’t much need to buy clothes (not that there is ever really “need”). Now life is inching back towards normal and I am taking inventory in my closet to see what I’m on the market for. I’m still planning to incorporate the lessons I’ve learned from this past year - not buying just to buy, being mindful of what I purchase - but I am on the hunt for great brands to support that fit my style and ethics. I honestly either can’t remember many brands, no longer identify much with them anymore, or in my research, have discovered they are not as ethically or sustainably minded as I once thought they were.

Here are some general styles I normally enjoy - bohemian, 60s or 70s inspired, cottage core, colorful, outdoorsy, western. I’m open to lots of different avenues, but I will say that I’m not super into the clean, minimal, monochromatic style that’s super popular in sustainable fashion (love it on other people, but I don’t like it for myself). I feel like most if not all of the brands I am finding are geared toward that style.

Thought this would be a great place to ask away! Give me your recs!

Submitted August 04, 2021 at 02:03PM by trying365

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