Saturday, October 22, 2022

An attempt to reach vegetarians and vegans

Dear fellow vegetarians and vegans🌱

My colleagues and I dedicate most of our research to environmental development and vegetarianism/veganism. We are currently researching individuals' concerns about the environment and attitudes towards green products of people living different lifestyles. This survey is designed to measure the green purchasing behaviour of vegans and vegetarians.

Thanks very much to the mods for letting me post this! The survey is really short and anonymous. My identity is completely transparent as required by my institution— my number, email address and my personal information are in the description of the survey on Microsoft forms, you may contact me anytime through any channel. I can also share the results and data analysis with you through direct messages as soon as I am finished with my dissertation. I am sure that the results will be interesting!

I cannot go much into detail about the research, because I am afraid to create bias before you take part. I hope to contribute some research into literature concerned about environmentalism and the benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets. There is not enough research done today to push animal welfare and environmental issues, and we need support from fellow vegans and vegetarians to make a difference in this world🌿💚

I have posted this a week ago. I have received a lot of support and survey responses last week, I was really impressed and surprised at how responsive people came out to be! But unfortunately due to being a featherhead, I used the wrong scales to measure the attitudes (1-6 Likert instead of 1-7). Therefore, all the data that I have collected cannot be used, since the scales are not appropriate according to the literature and cannot be interpreted as reliable data

I had to be finished with the data analysis already, but since I have done a foolish mistake when designing the survey, I am one week behind and the deadline is in almost a week.

I know that some people that might be reading this post might have already participated in the survey last week. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out once again, It means a lot to me!

***This is not market research or made for any sort of commercial use.

Please share it with your friends, if appropriate. It would be really appreciated!💚

The link to the Microsoft Forms survey:

If you are not vegetarian or vegan but want to participate in the survey and share your opinion, DM me!

Submitted October 22, 2022 at 08:28AM by Acrobatic_Coconut_73

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