Saturday, April 15, 2023

Are Durable and Sustainable Work Pants Possible?

I use to be a dress/skirt person, but after taking a job that requires a fair amount of time in a workshop, I switched to pants. I try to buy sustainable brands using natural materials (cotton, linen, hemp, sustainable denim, etc) but find pants are lasting me one year max before needing mending. The patches make it slightly untenable to wear them to work because I have pretty regular partner meetings, etc, where I need to look presentable and can't have mended holes on my crotch and butt (haha). I never had to deal with this issue when wearing mostly skirts, and I find the thrifted stuff I've bought that has polyesters in it just seems to last way longer. It was definitely nice during the pandemic because partner meetings were online so my mended pants didn't matter, but more meetings are going back to in-person now. Given the cost of sustainable brands, this is a bit hard on my bank account too, not to mention just annoying to be buying new pants every year.

Is there a solution here? What should I be looking for in sustainable work pants that will make the cost worth it? Is there a perspective I'm missing?

Submitted April 15, 2023 at 01:38PM by kahht

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