Saturday, January 6, 2024

Is it still sustainable to buy from overstock were-houses?

So I no longer support any large fashion companies first hand if I can help it. I’ll make an exception for things like socks and underwear, but otherwise I’ve decided to go completely secondhand and small business. There’s just one thing I’m undecided on at the moment. Stores that dump out bulk overstock to pick through. I’ve tried to do my own research on where overstock warehouses get their merchandise and it basically always boils down to, ‘from factories’ which is too vague to go on.

I feel conflicted about them, because while it is still shopping first hand it’s the last stop before perfectly good items hit the dump. I don’t like the industry practice of not controlling your production numbers and making waste, but I also don’t want these things to become waste if they can be sold. It seems like sometimes brands let overstock dealers have their merchandise, but sometimes they lose control over the items and make no profit? I’m not sure I’m understanding that right, and if it’s true could anyone provide some clarity on how that happens?

What’s the consensus on the ethics of shopping from these places?

Submitted January 06, 2024 at 11:28PM by MissWolfsbane77

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