Monday, May 27, 2024

Sustinability in Fashion - Hot Takes Only

Hi reddit,

Bringing this one back! A while ago, I created a post asking for your sustainable fashion hot takes and we had some really good thoughts and opinions! In spirit of keeping them coming:

I'm currently responsible for our company's social media content and wanted to compile a few hot takes about sustainable fashion and your overall stance on sustainability in fashion.

Please share them in the comments below, anything that falls into this category goes. Green-washing, fast-fashion and sustainability, sustainability in luxury fashion, second-hand shopping... We've had some amazing input from people who make clothes themselves, and we're interested in everyone's and anyone's opinion on this!

Go wild, be respectful, discuss if you wish, I'm just really curious to see what people that are into fashion think! :)

Submitted May 27, 2024 at 06:46AM by expaloop

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