Monday, July 8, 2024

should we appreciate small efforts of brands?

Lately, I've been really focused on finding and evaluating brands that are genuinely committed to sustainability. struck a question- Do you know of any brand that truly maintains its sustainability promise across all its products? Patagonia, for example,(only example) seems to do a great job in between— using sustainable materials, and use renewable energy, for almost products they offer.

But I've noticed that many brands claim to be ethical and sustainable, yet this often applies to only certain product lines, while the rest are made in the conventional way. So, should we ignore those conventional products and only support the ones that are made ethically made on need based?

I want to make sure I'm making the right choices without being biased.
Thanks in advance!

Submitted July 08, 2024 at 08:40AM by No_Caterpillar4u

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