Sunday, September 29, 2024

Facing issues finding sustainable fashion brands that match my style and closet. Is it just me?

Hey everyone, ( Reflecting my curiosity through this post)
There are a lot of SMBs (small to medium size businesses) that sell sustainable fashion. But I always have a couple of challenges and wanted to see if anyone else resonates with these thoughts and how you currently navigate through them.

  1. It isn't easy to find brands that you can trust, there is "good on you" and similar platforms, but usually, it takes a lot of time to scroll through every brand.
  2. For me, sustainability is extending my wardrobe and buying what I need. But I find it hard to buy what I need and style outfits accordingly.
  3. How would you bring confidence in your purchase? Knowing yes this will last.
  4. I have tried indyx but I ended up shopping for fast fashion brands looking at the recommendations and styles.
  5. Does anyone share the thought that the entire process is overwhelming and time-consuming?

Submitted September 29, 2024 at 06:02PM by Ordinary_Cat5158

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