Monday, October 7, 2024

If I’m allergic to wool, what would happen should I put those sustainable wool balls in my dryer?

Not a very serious post, because they make hemp alternatives. I’m just generally curious. I received a few wool dryer balls for free as part of a company’s promotion. Then donated them on because I’m badly allergic to wool. I break out in the most awful red hives. Better safe than sorry and all that.

But for anyone who does use them, is it actually possible to react to leftover wool fibers on other garments? I’d think they’d ‘shed’ partials.

And while we’re on the subject does it actually make a substantial difference to use dryer sheets at all? I don’t usually dry with them, and I notice very little difference if any at all. Especially when washing blankets/comforters. They’re supposed to be so bad for the environment, and I really don’t think I’m getting much benefit from them.

Submitted October 08, 2024 at 12:11AM by MissWolfsbane77

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