Saturday, July 27, 2024

Participate in a Survey on the Role of Digital Technologies in Sustainable Fashion!

Hello Redditors!

I'm Anirudh Kanakasabapathi, currently pursuing an MSc in Management at Durham University. I'm reaching out to invite you to participate in my dissertation survey titled "The Role of Digital Technologies in Shaping Consumer Behaviour for Sustainable Fashion Circularity."

Survey Link:

Estimated Time: 5-10 minutes


I'm passionate about understanding how digital technologies like virtual try-ons and blockchain-based supply chain information influence our shopping habits and attitudes toward sustainable fashion. This research aims to uncover valuable insights that could help shape the future of eco-friendly fashion.


Your participation will contribute to a better understanding of sustainable fashion practices and the role digital technologies play in promoting them. By sharing your experiences and opinions, you can help drive positive change in the fashion industry, making it more sustainable and transparent.


All responses are confidential, and your privacy is my top priority. Participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. Your honest feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for your time and participation! If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to me at [](

Together, we can help make fashion more sustainable!

Best regards,
Anirudh Kanakasabapathi

Submitted July 27, 2024 at 11:27AM by Last_Childhood_2266

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