Wednesday, June 3, 2020

a different take on sustainable fashion

tl/dr: buy good stuff, youll need to buy less in the long run and itll impact your wallet and the environment less

i know that a lot of sustainable fashion brands are coming out because of the massive increase in awareness, but a lot of stuff seems counter-intuitive that doesnt seem to be crossing a lot of minds here. denim and footwear seem to be especially looked over. high quality, raw denim is a bigger investment to your wallet and to the environment upfront, but doesnt need as much washing and can be repaired when holes form and doesnt need to be thrown away. the same goes for footwear. one pair of good boots, like red wings or allen edmonds, can be conditioned and repaired and even resoled when the sole wears out, meaning that theyll last you a lot longer in the long run if you treat them right and get them repaired, also meaning that their overall environmental impact is a lot less than buying several products that can't be repaired and ultimately end up in a landfill

Submitted June 03, 2020 at 08:22PM by mad_dog_94

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