Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Would you buy new unsold and overstock clothing so it doesn't go to waste?

Hi everyone! I'm creating a post to gauge interest in a potential business idea to reduce the amount of clothing that winds up in landfills.

I recently asked myself what brands and retailers do with all of their unsold clothes. These are perfectly good clothes that just weren't sold for some reason or another. Maybe they ordered too many, maybe the store had to close, or something else. Large brands and retailers like H&M have come under fire in recent years for burning their clothes or simply throwing them away. Companies of this size realistically have the supply chain sophistication to figure out another solution (e.g., keep in warehouse until next year, sell to TJ Maxx, etc.), but they often choose not to.

Unlike large companies, smaller, independent brands and retailers realistically don't have the shelf space to hang on to their unsold clothes forever, nor do they have the supply chain negotiating power to sell their unsold clothes off to someone else easily. As influencer and creator culture explode, there must be a ton of brands and retailers that have new, unsold clothes sitting around that they can't sell.

I'm thinking about starting an online-only retail store where I resell new, unsold clothes from small, independent brands and retailers. They would discounted from the original price since they're overstock; this is basically final clearance across small, independent brands. Anything I can't sell I would eventually donate. Is this something people would be interested in? This is, of course, assuming there's something on the website that you like and want to wear :)

I'm truly just trying to get a sense of whether this is something people would consider buying from, so there are no wrong answers. I'm hoping to move forward with opening the online store in the next 4-6 weeks. You can submit your email here if you want to be notified when the store launches: https://wovenstore.co/password

But really, no pressure, I genuinely want to see what people think about this!

Submitted August 09, 2022 at 06:44PM by candacebethay https://ift.tt/jE1wKxr

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