Sunday, November 27, 2022

KnowIt: Sustainable fashion never lies...or does it?

Greenwashing refers to the practice of falsely promoting an organization’s environmental efforts or spending more resources to promote the organization as green than are spent to actually engage in environmentally sound practices. Thus greenwashing is the dissemination of false or deceptive information regarding an organization’s environmental strategies, goals, motivations, and actions. " (Becker-Olsen, K., Potucek, S. (2013)).

So, why not stop it at the source? Why don't we educate people on what greenwashing is and what truly sustainable fashion truly means?

Having this is issue in mine, we are aiming to develop a platform - KnowIt - that allows you to learn about sustainable fashion in a simple manner. We plan on not only providing general information on the subject, but also creating a sustainability score so you can easily check if certain textiles are considered sustainable, having into account the whole manufacturing process, from the sourcing of materials to the transportation of the final product, either to a store or to your house.

We find it important to learn about people's concerns and needs so we can develop the best possible product. Therefore, KnowIt has got some questions for you:

  1. Would you be willing to actively use a platform like this to search for information on greenwashing and sustaibility in the textile industry?
  2. Would you want this platform to make it easier for you to shop sustainably?
  3. Would you want a feature that allows you to evaluate the sustainability of your wardrobe?
  4. If you already use a similar platform, what do you consider it is lacking?
  5. Do you consider it would be useful for garments to have a tag with a sustainability score and would you shop differently if they did?

Submitted November 27, 2022 at 04:12PM by KnowItSustainability

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