Saturday, June 10, 2023

How much a year do you spend on clothing?

I track everything I buy clothing-wise, tracking what I have receipts for, where I shop from, and how much I spent on an item. I was looking into how much people spend on clothing on Avage and it seems to be around $1500 or about 5% of your income, with obvious fluctuations. I also saw that people buy about 70 items on average per year. (I'm not a stats person)

I'm curious to know how much those who shop in ethical and sustainable ways spend on clothing. If your buying new the price is usually higher and you probably buy less than the average person. everyone here is very into fashion so they might prioritize buying clothes over other things which will problem make the price point higher.

In 2022 I spent $3,288.04 cad or about 10% of my income on 52 items (don't worry I was appalled at these numbers too). 4 of which were fast fashion, 20 were vintage/thrift and the rest were from slow fashion brands I follow. This includes everything I buy that is meant to be worn, including jewelry, shoes, bras, bags and everything else. even my daily wallet. which not all those things would be included in the studies I took a quick look at.

so far in 2023, I have spent $2,140.43 cad on 35 items and honestly, I plan on buying more. I wear all my clothes in a constant rotation and a lot of the things I wear daily. I found that I wear the things I buy new from slow brand way more than anything else so I'll probably prioritize those items over other forms of shopping. I recently set up a saving system for my clothes to help regulate my spending and help me target certain clothing pieces I'm looking for and know I will wear often, Id like to get my spending down but at least I know I cherish my clothes and mend and look after them with care.

one way I can justify this is that fashion is one of my main hobbies, you could say I have a passion for fashion! I don't buy much of anything else that isn't a necessity, I actually can't think of a time recently I've spent money on that wasn't clothing or makeup/skin care. I have a very particular style, Im goth and only where black. I am very into historical costuming and fashion, and express this through my appearance. The fact that I put a lot of effort into making sure where I'm buying from is matched with my values, I defiantly will pay more to know that my clothes are being made ethically and I know that comes with a higher price point. my recently added saving system is helping so I hope I can learn to manage this and stop impulse buying.

I'm also curious to know how much you spend on clothing, what's your price limit? Do you only shop sustainably or do you shop fast fashion? how do you manage your money when it comes to clothes? Do you think that these high price points are justified? I'd love to hear all your thoughts!

Submitted June 10, 2023 at 06:32PM by gildedbutterflies333

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