Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Careers in fashion that don't involve selling clothing

I'm having a bit of a mid-career crisis and I'm hoping someone here might be able to help. I've been passionate about sustainable fashion since Rana Plaza and have been trying to figure out how to contribute in the best way. I already focus on sustainability for the clothing I personally wear but I want to do something with my job as well. I started brainstorming jobs related to apparel that don't involve selling clothing. I love brands that try to be more sustainable but in the end it's just more product which makes me uncomfortable.

Some ideas I've had so far:

- tailor (alterationist)

- costume designer for film and tv

- clothing rental shops (local to customers rather than shipping across country)

- textile recycling (seems like a hard problem though)

I'm a skilled sewist (hobbyist at the moment) and am getting more into textiles but everything I think of just adds more product to the world.

I know this is a hard question but I thought I'd put it out here in case someone had an idea. Thanks in advance.

Submitted November 14, 2023 at 05:57PM by rakoonise https://ift.tt/yZxDiQC

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