Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Aside from the primary function of clothing to protect our bodies from the environment, it is also a social norm. The way we dress sends out a message about our identity - social status, gender, religion, occupation etc. We also use attire to express more specific aspects of our identity, like which soccer team we support or which school we attend. Not only can we express ourselves through our outfits, we can also modify our emotional and mental states using clothes and accessories.

Because clothing sends so much information about us at an instant, it is one of the main tools we use to form first impressions about each other. Knowing how people perceive different styles and colours of clothes can help us in making lasting personal & business connections.

Most importantly, fashion psychology covers topics way beyond clothing itself. Inclusivity, diversity, labour exploitation, mental health and overconsumption in the fashion industry are among the issues fashion psychology addresses and has a power to find at least partial solutions for.

We are all human, meaning that we act according to psychological principles as it is a study of the human mind and behaviour. We also all buy clothes and get dressed in the morning, meaning we are all at least to some extent involved in the fashion industry. Disproportionately to its size, the fashion industry is underrepresented in psychological research and popular psychology.

It affects all of us and on top of that, it is super interesting and exciting to learn about!

My name is Bea - I'm a psychology graduate who created Psych But Make It Fashion (@psychbutfashion) to spread the knowledge about fashion psychology and related topics surrounding the fashion industry. On my social media, you will find research findings, quotes and statistics understandable to everyone. Some of the ideas you can easily apply as tips to improve certain aspects of your life. Others might give you an opportunity to relate, or just learn about interesting or exciting things you never thought about.

Follow me on INSTAGRAM to discover fashion psychology one idea at a time. Also subscribe to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL, where we'll be discovering fashion psychology one video at a time. On youtube, I'll share more interesting findings, give tips, and dive deeper into the topics. First video is coming on Friday.

Thank you so much for your support & I cannot wait for you to join the journey !

xx Bea


Submitted August 05, 2020 at 08:39AM by psychbutfashion

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