Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Planning to build something that would create real difference to the planet and people. Would really appreciate some help.

I've been into clean living since the time it wasn't as cool as it is now. I’ve always felt closely attuned to the planet and the people living on it.

I worked in corporate for 8+ years, and amassed a variety of knowledge and experiences. But I felt like something was missing. I wasn't satisfied.

Whatever I was doing wasn't making a difference in anyone's lives. And the planet was (still is) steadily declining and corporations and government didn't give two shits. It really got to me at one point, and I felt like it was time to address this with a considerable measure.

I decided to quit my job and now, I'm on a journey to use all my knowledge and expertise to create something which will help make a genuine difference to the people and the planet.

I’m working on a project to create some sort of digital guide or practical tool. But I don’t want it to be another 'green initiative', purely aesthetic and not accessible. So, I’m on a mission to talk to as many people as I can, get to know their motivations, their thoughts and problems.

I felt like Reddit would be as good a place as any. There are some awesome communities here which genuinely care and I couldn't find a better place to talk to people, have some genuine insightful conversations.

If any of the above resonates with y'all it'd be a massive help if any of you would be ready to get down to chat with me.

Whatever way is convenient with y'all would be fine.

Please drop me an answer in the comments or schedule a google meet if you are comfortable. Also let me know if y’all want to know more.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted June 07, 2022 at 12:11PM by Scary-Gur2 https://ift.tt/ho2y736

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